Dec 20, 2020

Today saw the retirement of Construction Department Senior Estimator Roger Pritchett after 34 years service with the company.  Over his time at Thomas Armstrong, Roger has carried out many roles very successfully and they include Site Manager, Surfacing Manager, Design Co-ordinator, Programmer etc. before spending his last 12 years working in the Estimating Department.

The photo was taken from his presentation where Roger is flanked either side by our MD David Atkinson and on his left and Estimating Director Steve Park on his right, he was presented with a cheque from the company and also a collection and vouchers etc. from his work colleagues.

Roger will be a big miss to the company but he is going to spend a lot of his newly acquired spare time trying to reduce his golf handicap and also completing the remaining Wainwright walks still to do, with his wife Dot.

We wish him a long, happy and healthy retirement

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