Mar 23, 2018

Thomas Armstrong (Construction) Ltd. have been appointed as Main Contractor by Eden Property Developments Ltd. to build seven new local affordable dwellings in the village of Threlkeld.

The project involves the construction of 7 new two storey affordable rented homes on a greenfield site. The development, in the Lake District National Park at the foot of Blencathra, will consist of 2No. 3-bedroom houses, 4No. 2-bedroom houses and 1No. 1-bedroom house.  

The houses have been designed to feature traditional masonry blockwork with rendered elevations, slate roof with mock dormers and mock chimneys and feature stone porches to the front elevation. Externally each house will have a garden to the rear and parking to the front, there will also be some open space around the properties which has been grass seeded, giving the properties a spacious rural aspect.

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